This weekend I spent a lot of time following the destructive path of Hurricane Irene. Throughout the weekend I followed the Weather Channel and from time to time I switched to CNN and Fox news to see what they were reporting. My thoughts of these two media giants rang true. They promoted fear. Each story talking about the dead or injured and how things were going to continue to get worse. On the other hand, the Weather Channel reported where the storm was and provided predictions of what was to come. No spin. No promotion of fear. Just straight up reporting. Sure they talked about the idiots that came up and put themselves in danger, but for the most part it was just pure journalism. I highly recommend turning off CNN and Fox. They really only exist to promote the Democratic (CNN) and Republican (Fox) agenda.
So why I am so mad you ask? The reason is simple. I am mad because each channel showed rescuses being performed in areas that had been told to evacuate. Just like Katrina, people were warned and given ample time to make a choice. These people made the choice to stay. Why are emergency crews risking their lives to help those who refused to leave? It just doesn't make sense. If you do not heed warnings, your on your own. It is that simple. You can not help people who refuse help.